Posted by Lynn Matson
Laura-Jo Bhimani inspired Rotarians by increasing our awareness of gratitude and encouraging us to share our gratitude with each other.
  • Jephta Bernstein – New member applicant
  • Carol Ann Kates – Program speaker
  • Leelee Kates
  • Russ Kates 
  • Lisa Ketner
  • Presley Stevenson – outbound exchange student Zooming from Italy
IDEA (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness) Quote: “Each human being, however small or weak, has something to bring to humanity. As we start to really get to know others, as we begin to listen to each other's stories, things begin to change. We begin the movement from exclusion to inclusion, from fear to trust, from closedness to openness, from judgment and prejudice to forgiveness and understanding. It is a movement of the heart.” - Jean Vanier
Future Programs: Please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends. 
Rotary Cares:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time (i.e., personal or family health, family death, etc.) please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support we can.
  • A card was passed around for Gary Turner – recovering from hip surgery
International Services Committee update:
Bob Waltermire, chair of the International Services Committee introduced committee members Cindy Cloyd and Wilton Lyles who provided updates on the Madonna Hospital in Nigeria, the Peanut Butter House and the Ukraine Solar Panel project.
  • Our club helped provide two containers of refurbished medical equipment, funding for automated laboratory equipment, new lithium batteries to aid solar power, and a generator for the Madonna Hospital in Nigeria.
  • We helped build the Peanut Butter House in Liberia and $6,000 for ingredients that provides sealed nutritional packets to malnourished children
  • Ten of our club’s decorated solar panels were delivered west of Kiev and ten solar panels were delivered south of Odessa, on January 12.
  • Rotarians are invited to attend the next International Services Committee meeting the evening of May 15. Details will be sent via email.
Outbound Exchange Student Update:
Presley Stevenson, our sponsored outbound exchange student Zooming from Italy provided an update.
  • Presley gets along “super well” with her host family living near Pisa, Italy while her host family’s daughter is an exchange student in Argentina.
  • Presley participated in her host family’s New Years and Easter traditions.
  • She skied in the Dolomites, and traveled to Spain and North Africa.
  • Presley has made good friends and encourages Rotarians to volunteer to host an exchange student.
  • Bob Williams had four announcements:
    1. More volunteers are needed for Meals on Wheels once every two months.
    2. Volunteers need to be certified by the Meals on Wheels Office.
    3. A Co-chair is needed to chair the Meals on Wheels Committee
    4. Lisa Boesch was recognized for managing the Walmart FY 2024 Pharmacy of the Year.
  • Bob Melrose reported we have sold 6 medallions and have $10,000 in Community Supporters for the Field of Honor. 
    1. Let Diane Knight know when you have acquired a Community Supporter. The deadline for committing Community Supporters is May 10.
    2. Rotarians are encouraged to tell their friends about the Field of Honor and Civil War Living History Camp.
  • Rotarians are encouraged to show our appreciation to veterans by attending the Honor Flight send-off on April 28 at the Ranch. Arrive for the 7:20 am ceremonies at the McKee 4-H Building – the buses with veterans departs the Ranch at 8:30 am. See route map to cheer them on their way. Mike Griffith is on the flight as a Guardian, however he would be eligible as a veteran as well.
Ann Griffith introduced Carol Ann Kates, daughter of the founder of Steele’s Market, Merrill Steele. You can view her presentation HERE
  • The first Steele’s’ Market was established in 1940 at 113 East Oak Street in Ft. Collins
  • The donut machine was very popular.
  • When Steele’s Market opened in 1963 on Mountain Ave, it represented 46% of Ft. Collin’s grocery business.
  • Ground beef was $0.33 per pound in 1963 and $0.98 per pound in 1981.
  • There were four locations in 1991 and pharmacies were added to the stores.
  • Ft. Morgan, Niwot and a Drake Street locations were added in 1998.
  • All stores were closed in 2001 after Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings due to a street closing near a new $10 million store.
  • Carol Ann has written a book “Grocery Shopping Secrets”
Outbound exchange student, Presley Stevenson:
Carol Ann Kates, daughter of the founder of Steele’s Market”