December 9, 2021
Inspiration: Ann Griffith
- Maria Nara – Head of Early Childhood Center
- Leighanne Alford – Prospective member
- Carol Cochran – Guest of Tim Cochran
- Ann Hutchison – President and CEO of Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce
- Bill Lamperes – former FCRBRC member
- Austin Hensen – son of Andrew Hensen
- Joyce Dickens - Filmographer
IDEA Quote: “When you clench your fist, no one can put anything in your hand, nor can your hand pick up anything.”-- Alex Haley, writer
10K Raffle: “Love our Community” drawing for $10,000 on Feb.14th. If we each sell six $100 tickets, we can meet our goal of 500 tickets. They will make great Christmas gifts – look for the website to go live very soon!
- Tracy Mead – all are welcome and encouraged to join the Program committee; if interested, contact
- Bob Williams look for sign up sheets for Meals on Wheels
- Save the Date! Feb. 6th – Purple Pins for Polio; a bowling event with the other Fort Collins Rotary clubs. Details to come.
- Jen Parker completed all of the requirements of the New Member Orientation – congrats, Jen!
Program: Ann Hutchinson – CEO of Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce; after 18 years with the Chamber, she became CEO in January of 2021
- Work of the Chamber is about:
- Helping to connect people to community resources (the “Front Door”)
- Helping create leaders for the community – Leadership Fort Collins and Leadership Northern Colorado
- Being a strong advocate for Business – tracking policy recommendations and how they will impact businesses
- Being a place for businesses to connect
- NoCo Prospers 1.0 Fundraising and investment campaign – raised $3.8 million for
- Fixing N. I-25 - $500 million gap for work between Longmont and Berthoud
- Supporting Talent development
- Talent Portal
- Trailing Spouse Program
- Workplace Learning Alliance with all educational partners
- Working on a Covid Recovery Plan, to include more economic marketing (building relationships with bigger companies)
- Business Retention and Expansion – how to help these businesses after Covid
- NoCo Prospers 2.0 Raised $4 million to be used over next 5 years - will launch Jan. 1
- Economy
- Talent
- Business friendly environment
- I-25 – transportation across the region – how to plan for and fund this, especially with crossroads like Hwy 34, 392 and 14)
- Questions:
- What are we missing most in terms of talent? C Suite talent and People of Color
- Is the Regional Airport part of the plan? Definitely – must take advantage of that as a hub for economic activity
- What impact is money from Fed. Govt. having? First round made a big difference but over the next 6-8 months, we’ll have a reckoning; funding streams will allow us to take on issues that are business related, but social (i.e. like homelessness; transit)
- Is there a Master Plan for I-25? Yes, go to
- Is retail dead? No, but they need to modify their businesses
- Metrics – have 1083 members, want 1200-1300
Thanks to the program committee for bringing us this great program!