Catherine Varra-Nelson shared Mia Angelo's "Human Family" in honor of black history month.
- Erin Hottenstien was invited by Brooke Corbel.
- Erin is running for election in District 4.
- Bill Wright was invited by John Hintzman
- 10K Raffle Raffle
- Prize Drawing winners for ticket sales this week were Cathy Miner & Becky Delatore
- Over 300 tickets now sold
- Be like "6 Ticket Jill"- email, text or call 6 people. Post on social media & follow up!
Duo Francois- Musicians Ron Francois and Silvana Santinelli
More info and Website for Ron and Silvana:
They shared fun stories about music, how they met and have played all over the world.
- Ron is a Violin professor at CSU
- Both studied and have doctorates at the University of Maryland
- Interestingly C Sharp is the sound of a sphere and the universe
- Silvana was a page turner for a mutual friend/pianist at a concert at the Washington Arts Club and that is how they met
- It was good they met when they did, because page turners for musicians are no longer around, it is all done electronically by a foot pedal and music is on an ipad
They shared and incredible piece called "The Lark Ascending" from their Mexico City Blues CD.
Enjoy their entire performance....
A YouTube link to their beautiful concert for anyone who missed it or just wants to hear it again!: