Inspiration:  Dave Marvin shared quotes from Zig Zigler.  You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.  There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.  It is not how far you fall but high you bounce that counts.  Fear:  forget everything and run or face everything and rise.  His book is See You at the Top.
IDEA Quote:  Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.~ Jintao Hu
Upcoming Programs: please see the side panel for upcoming speakers and be sure to invite your friends!
•       Jennifer McLean
•       Lisa Ketner
•       John Sheltren
•       Jephta Bernstein 
•       Gary Turner: The 1918 Club invites us to a wine tasting to support the Colorado River Festival to support the public understanding of teh river.  It is Wednesday 5/19 from 5-7pm at 824 E. Lincoln Ave.   Cost is $50/ticket and guests are invited
•       Music Spoke concert series sponsored in part by John Carroll (see below for schedule). It is a week-long series of concerts from 6/2-6/9 organized by Off The Hook Arts.
•       Joe McCarthy/Catherine Varra-Nelson reviewed the purpose and membership of the IDEA committee to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our club.  An IDEA member is in each of our club's committees to bear witness to and bring the IDE perspective to all of our activities and discussions. 
•       Pass The Gavel:  save the date for June 22, Saturday.  Families and friends invited.
•       Phil Murphy: Just a reminder that if you are interested in reviewing any of out speakers' PowerPoint presentations they are available here:
•       Field of Honor:  $32K (approx) has been raised through recruitment of community supporters so far. There is a goal of $12,000 to be raised through medallion sales.  Continue to get the word out to your communities. Help is needed for security and the booth on Memorial Day weekend.
•       Volunteers needed to read the names of the people who gave their lives on September 11, 2001. It is only for 30 minutes at Veterans' Park near the Field of Honor. The times are all on Memorial Weekend Saturday: 10:30 am, 11:00 am,11:30 am. Contact Phil Murphy by email or call/text to sign up. 
•       Carrie Levy: Veterans Life magazine has our add for Field of Honor.  The magazine is distributed to 18 veteran organizations.  Subscription is available. 
•        Bob Melrose:  Volunteer to to help with Field of Honor this coming weekend.  Our greatest area of need is for flag removal on Monday afternoon, some security slots on Friday through Sunday, and a smattering of booth management/flag sales throughout the weekend.  Go to the following link to sign up:
•       Bob Waltermire: The next meeting of the International Service Committee will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the Horse & Dragon Brewing Company and via Zoom (see email for link).  The meeting runs from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.  All Rotarians and guests are invited.
ROTARY CARES:  If you are aware of a fellow Rotarian who is going through a challenging time, please let Sara Murphy know so we can let them know we are thinking of them and provide whatever support possible.
PROGRAM:  Tim Jackson, former president of Auto Dealers' Association,
Past, present and future of personal mobility
•       Introduced by John Carroll
•       Author of "Dude, where's my flying car?", available in the next few weeks.
•       The first bicycles were missing brakes and pedals.  The first bicycle co. was Schwinn. 
•       The first car, in 1898, was a curved dash Oldsmobile (Ransom Eli) which preceded Henry Ford's first cars.  He showed it at the 1901 National Auto Show. 
•       Oldsmobile, Buick and Cadillac were the basis of the original GM. 
•       Ransom Eli also developed the first truck and called it REO Speedwagon (like the 1970s band). 
•       Historically, there are about 40K American traffic fatalities/year.  Traffic fatalities declined to about 30K after seatbelts became mandatory.  THe current increase in fatalities are mostly due to deaths of pedestrians and bicyclists. 
•       Newer cars are nearly emission free and not just electric cars.  They are 99% cleaner than previous generations of autos in erms of brown cloud emissions.  They are 30% better in terms of CO2 emissions. 
•       Aviation has not improved in emissions over the same time frames.  There have been 0 commercial aircraft fatalities in the last 10  years. 
•       Leonardo DiVinci was the first person to envision a flying car
•       VTOLs (vertical take off and landing) vehicle.  The first one was developed in Denver in 1930.  
•       Drone technology is being used to develop flying car technology.  They are used for package delivery and light shows. *** NY EVE year of the dragon. 
Tim Jackson, former president of Auto Dealers’ Association: