Diane has been a cheerleader, supporter, activist, counselor and friend over the past year.

As president, she has welcomed new members, speakers and guests. She has attended fundraisers, activities, events, and with each action set examples for us all to follow.
Spotlight on Diane Knight If you are part of the Fort Collins Rotary Breakfast Club, you already know Diane Knight. She is a third generation Rotarian who joined Rotary in Addison, Texas in 1990. She has been in Rotary clubs in Naperville, IL and Golden, CO. She is a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation and member of the Paul Harris Society and Rotary International Foundation Bequest Society. She served as District Governor in 2004-2005.

By attending meetings in other clubs, in other cities and throughout the world she had grown as a person and Rotarian. She led each meeting with a smile and reminded us each time that if “we’re lucky enough to be a Rotarian, we’re lucky enough!”

With warmth and appreciation, we say "Thanks Diane!"